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rConfig - CIC Definitions

5 mins V7 Pro

CIC (Config Integrity Checke Definitions are a way to ensure that the config downloaded is complete per your expectations and standards. You can add a definition for a device type of category, and then add a single of list of commands that you expect to be present in the config. If the config is missing any of the commands, the config will be marked as invalid or failed.

CIC Definitions are based on the same engine as policy definitions, and can be used in the same way in terms of creating the actual definition. The difference is CIC Definitions are assigned to the device or category when the definition is created. CIC Definitions are checked against the config when the config is downloaded, and the result is stored in the config history. The result can be viewed in the config history view, and the config will have either one of three statuses: Valid, Unknown, or Failed.

  1. Valid - The config is valid and contains all the commands in the definition.
  2. Invalid - The config is unknown or invalid. An CIC definition was not found for the device, or the config is missing one or more commands in the definition.
  3. Failed - The config down not contain one or more commands that are not in the definition.

Adding/ Editing CIC Definitions

Adding an CIC Definition is very similar to adding a Policy Definition. You can add a definition then assign it to a device or category and then to the available commands for that device or category.

CIC Definitions Main View

The Filename must be unique. Also, within the definition script the displayName must be unique. The displayName is what is displayed in the config history view. All methods, and policy condition types are documented in the hyper link under the file name - CIC Definition Help.

We have specific tutorial videos for CIC definitions on youtube. You can find them here: rConfig Tutorials

Note: The CIC definition script is a JSON object. The script is validated when the definition is saved. If the script is invalid, the definition will not be saved.

Finally, CIC definitions are called and run against configs after the config is downloaded. You may also re-check all existing downloaded configs against the CIC definitions by clicking the “Re-Check All Configs” button in the devices page. This will re-check all configs against the CIC definitions and update the config history with the new results. You may to refresh the page to see the updated Config Status results.

Disabling CIC Checks

Sometimes you may want to disable CIC checks for certain commands. This can be done by adding the command to the “Disabled CIC Checks” list in the commands settings page. This will disable the CIC check for that command for all devices. Examples for commands that you may want to disable CIC checks for are: “show arp”, “show inventory”, “show cdp neighbors”, etc.