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rConfig - Commands

1 mins V7 Pro V6 Core

Commands are the main way to download configuration output from devices. You can add commands to a category, and then download the configuration for that Command Groups (previously known as Categories) devices. Commands can be single commands, or multiple commands with line breaks in between commands strings. rConfig will send each command in the set of commands if line breaks are present. Examples are

1Single Commandshow ip int briefRequired field, must be unique, mind 3 and max of 255 characters. Special characters such as pipes are allowed
2Command Setshow clock\nshow versionThis will work, is not best practice and will download all output to a single config file. There are valid use cases for this, and using this will depend on your needs and device types.

Adding/ Editing Commands

From the main Command view, click New Command to add a new command, or click the edit button in the table.

Command Main View

When a command is added to the database, your will note the placement of two buttons on the table for V7 professional only.

The EOC Enabled button is a toggle switch. When enabled, the an EOC check will be run on the command output at the end of the config download process. disable this for less important commands, or commands that are not expected to return a valid config output.

The Save config if not changed button is a toggle switch. When enabled, rConfig will only save the config file if the output has changed from the last time the command was run. This is useful for commands that are expected to return the same output each time they are run. For example, a command to download the running config from a device. If the running config has not changed, there is no need to save the config file again. This will save disk space, and reduce the number of files in the rConfig database.

The command form itself is very simple. You can add a name, and a description, and attach the command to a one or multiple Command Groups. All fields are required and the command name must be unique.

As of V6.11.3, but not available in v6 Core, is the ability to specify a filename in the ‘Alternate Filename’ field. The field is not mandatory, and if let blank rConfig will by default determine the filename based on the command name. If you want to override this, you can specify a filename here. This is useful if you want to download multiple files from a single device. For example, you might want to download the running config, and the startup config. You can specify a filename for each command, and rConfig will download each file to the specified filename.

Category Form

As of V7, you can now also bulk assign Command Groups to commands. This is useful if you have a large number of commands, and you want to assign a category to a large number of commands at once. You can do this by selecting the commands you want to assign, and then clicking the ‘Assign Command Groups’ button. You can then select the Command Groups you want to assign to the selected commands.

Assign Command Groups to Commands