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rConfig - Command Groups

2 mins V7 Pro V6 Core

All devices added to rConfig must be part of a single Command Group. They can only belong to one. You will use the concept of Command Groups for three primary reasons.

  1. Grouping devices for Scheduled Tasks
  2. Grouping devices for Compliance jobs
  3. Attach your desired show commands to a given category

The last item is the most important. You must add the commands that you will download for a given category. Think about the following scenarios below to help you decide the best way to plan your Command Groups, and subsequently commands.

  1. You cannot add a Command Groups to a device or task does that do not have commands attached to the Command Groups.
  2. If you run a manual devices config downloads, either from the UI, or the CLI, the commands to be run on that device are based off the category attached commands See Command Group Design Below
  3. Command Groups without attached commands will show an error on the Command Groups page per the screenshot below
  4. Design your Command Groups around your commands, or vice versa, thats up to you. But design it!

Example Command Group Design

Command GroupsDevicesCommands
show run
show ip route
show ip bgp nei
show run
show version
show lldp neigh
show run
show run
show ip route
show ip bgp nei
show cdp nei
show ip bgp

Adding/ Editing Command Groups

From the main Command Group view, click New Command Group to add a new Command Group, or click the edit button in the table. Notice the error below when a Command Group does not have any attached commands. You may add commands to a Command Groups after the Command Group is created.

Command Groups Main View

The Command Group form itself is very simple. You can add a name, and a description. Both are required and the name must be unique.

Command Groups Form View