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rConfig Vector – Server Installation

8 mins Vector



rConfig Vector is a licensed product. You will need a valid license to use the product. If you do not have a license, please contact us at [email protected] to obtain a license. rConfig V7 Professional users are able to upgrade existing licenses and installations to rConfig Vector.


Before you begin the installation, ensure you have the following:

Server requirements

The server requirements are almost the same as rConfig V7. See /getstarted/os-setup/ for updated information. But we do expect some enhanced resource requirements for the server. The following are the minimum requirements for the server:

  • 4 CPU Cores minimum
  • 16 GB RAM minimum
  • 250 GB Disk Space minimum

Infrastructure and Security requirements

In most, but not all cases, rConfig Vector server will be need to be accessible from the internet for the agents to connect to it. Of course, the agents can connect privately also, should connectivity and routing allow it. Ensure you have the necessary infrastructure and security measures in place to allow this.

We expect the server to be accessible on port 443 (HTTPS) from the internet. Ensure you have the necessary firewall rules in place to allow this, and that you have a valid SSL certificate installed on the server.


  • Public IP address (Natted or direct), with inbound source IP restrictions
  • Firewall rules to allow inbound traffic on port 443 only from the agents source IP addresses
  • Valid SSL certificate installed on the server (no self-signed certificates). Must be TLS 1.2 or higher.
  • DNS entry for the server
  • Reverse DNS entry for the server (optional but recommended)
  • Outbound internet access from the server for pinging rConfig for updates
  • Monitoring, we expect customers to add this IP address to their monitoring systems to ensure secure connectivity at all times.
  • Any other security measures you feel are necessary to secure the server, such as 2FA, IPS, IDS, etc.


Actual installation steps are very similar to V7 Professional and a very easy to follow.

Complete the rConfig Professional installation by following three steps. Please run all steps as root

  1. Setup a new MySql or MariaDb User account
  2. Download the deployer script
  3. First run Initialization of the deployer script
  4. Deploy rConfig and verify installation

Install steps per OS type

OS Setup scripts

If not done already, install a new CentOS, Rocky, Rhel, or Alma server, and run the OS install script per the instructions per OS Setup Scripts.

Setup a MariaDB/ MYSQL User

Rocky 9+ users will need to create a new user and password for the database. Login to the MariaDB/Mysql Database server using the root user. The root user password is the same as the one you used in the OS install script.

Terminal window
sudo mariadb -u root -p

Create the user and password for the database. And example is below, but you will need to change the username/password to something more secure.

Terminal window
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'user1'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';

Download the deployer script

Terminal window
mkdir /var/www/html/rconfig7
cd /var/www/html/rconfig7
wget -O /var/www/html/rconfig7/Envoy.blade.php

First run Initialization of the deployer script

You need to have the follow details ready before you run the next command.

  • Database host name - ‘localhost’ if you followed all the instructions to this point
  • Database user name - ‘root’ unless you specify otherwise
  • Database password - per the previous steps in OS Setup
  • Hostname - The DNS Hostname for your machine, please create one if you do not have one already prepared
  • API Token - This can be retrieved from the license keys section portal (remove the angel brackets < >)

Once you have the above details, run the following command to initialize the rConfig installation.

Terminal window
envoy run init --dbhost=localhost --dbuser=root --dbpass="SomePassword" --hostname=rconfig7vm.domain.local --apitoken=<someCode>

Note: We use Laravel Envoy as the deployment tool. If the envoy command fails for any reasons, first check that your system does not have installed. You can check this by running the following;

Terminal window
[root@homedev html]# which envoy

Anything other than /root/.composer/vendor/bin/envoy returned and you need to uninstall the ‘other’ envoy, or update the environment variable to the correct Laravel Envoy path.

Deploy rConfig and verify installation

Next, run the following command to deploy rConfig.

Terminal window
envoy run deploy --apitoken=<someCode>

Post Installation

Once this process has completed without errors you may login to the server IP address or hostname with the following credentials

Username: [email protected] Password: admin

Updating the Vector Server

Steps to Update the Vector Server

  1. Login to the server using SSH, and change to root user

    Terminal window
    ssh user@your-server-ip
  2. Change to the rConfig application directory

    Terminal window
    cd /var/www/html/rconfig7/
  3. Download the latest deployment script. This script will only work if you have the correct license key as assigned by support.

    Terminal window
    cd /var/www/html/rconfig7/
    wget$(date +%s) -O /var/www/html/rconfig7/Envoy.blade.php
  4. Run the deployment script Replace <someCode> with your API token.

    Terminal window
    envoy run deploy --apitoken=<someCode>
  5. Verify the upgrade

    • Check the version of rConfig to ensure it reflects the Vector Server update.
    • Navigate to the Agents menu under Settings.
    • When adding or editing a device, confirm that the Agent option is available.
    • Verify that the top left logo has changed to the Vector logo.

That’s it! 🎉 You’ve successfully upgraded to the Vector Server on CentOS, Rocky, RHEL, Alma, and AWS.

Action Unauthorized Error after update

If you encounter an Action Unauthorized error after updating to Vector Server, you may need to clear out some cached RBAC related data.

The error may look like this when opening the Settings > Agents page for example:

To do this, run the following command:

Terminal window
#This error is typically caused by cached data from the previous version of rConfig.
select 1
keys *
del KEYNAME #(anything with permisssions in it)
cd /var/www/html/rconfig7/current && php artisan rconfig:clear-all

Heres a video example of the process:

Clear Redis RBAC Cache
